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See & Hear Legendary, Master and Great Blues Artists of


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Legendary, Master & Great Blues Artists of Arizona

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Dr. Robert Sellani Great Blues Artist of Arizona 4-28-19

Dr. Robert Sellani Ambassador to Arizona 4-28-19

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Scotty Spenner Great Blues Artist of Arizona 10-29-11

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Sal Carlino Great Blues Artist of Arizona 10-29-11

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Hans Olson Great Blues Artist of Arizona 10-29-11

. . . . . http://members.cox.net/hansolson

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Leon J (Jay Morton) Ambassador Arizona 8-11-11

Leon J (Jay Morton) Great Blues Artist of Arizona 8-11-11

. .. . . . ...www.RootsBlues.com

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Bob Corritore Ambassador Arizona 9-27-10

Bob Corritore Great Blues Artist of Arizona 9-20-10

. .. . . . ..BobCorritore.com . . . . .

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. (602)265-4842 1019 E. Indian School Road Phoenix, Arizona 85014




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Salvatore "Honey Boy Dupree" Caffarello Great Blues Artist of Arizona 9-20-10


Paris James Great Blues Artist of Arizona 9-20-10

. . . . . . . . . . ParisJames.com

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Miss Gypsy Blue


Miss Gypsy Blue . This artist has the most incredbible soul which manifest itself through her outstanding voice. She has so much richness in her voice that it soothes the mind & sprit. I have heard & seen many vocalists but none even came close to the caliber & quality exemplified by this talented artist. To fully appreciate this artist you should visit her website at www.missgypsybluesband.com You will see her benevolent and generous nature. No one compares.

Miss Blue has won many battles in her life, including a battle with CANCER as she fought for her life. This is a powerful woman with tenacity& truth & has God on her side. She truly deserves to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Carolyn Deibel 7/29/03

This woman has the voice and sound of a classic blues singer, and the life to back it up. Plus, she plays a mean guitar! LA Julie 7/30/03

She is the toughest person I know and her voice raises the roof every time she sings. Thank you. A. Smith 7/31/03

Miss Gypsy Blue, Flagstaff AZ. She is the city fave, and is having her own wall of fame installed at "Gypsys Place".

She has a big, big heart, a big blue sound,and a few groovy originals. Check her out, along with the rest of the scene. Jeddidiah Tilleo 8/21/03



Don Drauden Ambassador Phoenix, AZ 10-20-09



Blues Artists of Arizona listed above


Arizona Blues History

Please submit below the names of the Legendary, Master & Great Blues Artists of Arizona

Blues Hall of Fame ® appreciates your participation.

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Please List the Legendary, Master & Great Blues Artists of Arizona their Web Site or Email Address, and any Reviews or Comments.



Legendary, Master and Great Blues Artists of Arizona inducted into the Blues Hall of Fame ® includes: Dr. Robert Sellani :Scotty Spenner Sal Carlino Hans Olson Leon J (Jay Morton) Bob Corritore Salvatore "Honey Boy Dupree" Caffarello Paris James Miss Gypsy Blue K.C. Blues Band Don Drauden Scotty Spenner Sal Carlino Hans Olson Jay Morton