Drink Small
Exhibit Page
Given Name: Drink Small
Hit Songs:
The Blues Hall of Fame ® Interviewer:
Drink Small's reply: From Lisa Randle 11/02/01:
I would like to nominate Drink Small - winner of the 1992 Jean Laney Harris Folk Heritage Award, presented annually by General Assembly of the State of South Carolina.
Drink is a practioner of the Piedmont Blues. Being from Bishopville, SC and moving to the capital city of Columbia, Mr. Small has devoted his whole lifetime to music in South Carolina. He wants to keep it here for the future generation, so that they will know all about the art that was discovered in South Carolina. He has kept Piedmont Blues alive for fifty years. He has worked with rag time, spiritual, gospel, boogie, shag and other genres. He has worked with the SC Arts Commission, Art for Prison, Art for Teens and the Elderly: participated in New Orleans Jazz Festival and traveled Europe. Mr. Small would be a valuable addition to the Blues Hall of Fame.
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To view what others have submitted click Drink Small B.H.F. Email Page.
Drink Small's Personal Web Site: http://wordofmouthproductions.org//Small.htm
Drink Small's Web Site: http://www.mapleshaderecords.com/reviews/01832.html
Other Drink Small Web Sites:
Drink Small Exhibit in The Blues Hall of Fame ®