. . . . . . . . . . December 4, 2011

See & Hear Legendary, Master and Great Blues Artists of

New York..

Help us build this virtual Blues Hall of Fame ® . eMuseum

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. . . . . . . .Nominate your Favorite Blues Artists

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. . . . . . .New York, Blues Hall of Fame ® Greenwhich Village ..12-4-2011

Click on Logos, Dates or Event Posters below to view New York Blues Artist's Exhibits. Scroll down page for other Blues Artist's Exhibits


May 3, 2015 .Oneida, NY

. May 31, 2015 B.B.King's Manhattan


May 4, 2014. .Middleton, New York

June 1, 2014 . . Hudson, New York

September 14, 2014 .Albany, NY

September 21, 2014 .Staten Island, NY

. February 11, 2015 . . . B B King's Manhattan

. February 15, 2015. .Middletown, NY

August 11th 2013 Saratoga, NY
Feb. 16th 2013 Tannersville, NY
Nov. 11th 2012 Albany, NY
Sept. 23rd. 2012 Staten Island
August 19, 2012 Greenwich Village
Jan. 1st. 2012 Woodstock, NY


Dec. 4th, 2011 Greenwich Village
Sept. 25th, 2011 Middletown, NY
May 22nd, 2011 Middletown, NY


Video courtesy Oscar Rivera


Arthur Neilson Master Blues Artist New York 4-22-17

Arthur Neilson Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

. . . . . ArthurNeilson.com. . . . . . . .

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Angel Rissoff Great Rhythm & Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

..... AngelMusicInc.com ..... . . . .

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Big Ed Sullivan Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

. . . . BigEdSullivan.com . . . . . . . .

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Charles "Honeyboy" Otis Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

. . . . . nyblueslegends%20otis.htm




Crusher Green Master Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

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Felix Cabrera Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

. . . . . . FelixCabrera.com . . . .

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Frankie Paris Master Blues Artist New York 12-4-11 . . . .

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Ivan "Funkboy" Bodley Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11 .

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Michael Hill Master Blues Artist New York 10-4-17

Michael Hill Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Michael "Murch" Powers Master Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

. . . . . . MichaelPowers.com .. . .. .. . . . . .







Mo Holmes Master Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

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Robert Ross Great Blues Artist New York 12-4-11



Wally "Gator" Watson Master Blues Artist New York 12-4-11

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Please submit below the names of the Great Blues Artists of New York you want to be listed above, and Reviews/Comments.

Blues Hall of Fame ® appreciates your particpation.

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Your Email,Web Address:

Please list Great Blues Artists of New York, Their City,, Web Site or Email Address, and any Reviews or Comments.


The New York Blues Hall of Fame ® inducted Legendary, Master & Great Blues Artists of New York includes; Arthur Neilson Angel Rissoff Big Ed Sullivan Charles "Honeyboy" Otis Crusher Green Felix Cabrera Frankie Paris Ivan "Funkboy" Bodley Michael Hill Michael Powers Mo Holmes Robert Ross Wally "Gator" Watson